Today I was surfing the web, looking up "Mephisto" to use for a story that I'm working on. I came across the Powerpuff Girl's villian, Him.
I'm a bit confused here. He's a...transvestite? Woah, woah, woah! I'm not sure what the creators were trying to convey with a transvestite male as the satanic being in the show.
"Him" is supposed to convey the ultimate evil on the children's show. Normally he's asociated with fire and hell or "heck". So why is he wearing high heeled boots that go up to his thighs and talking like a woman? Why was there no controversy about this before?
I believe that if I were a homosexual or transvestite, I would be insulted to be the ultimate evil on a children's show. What does this teach children who watch the show? (ok, I know it's hardly plays anymore...)
Forgive me if it doesn't see this way to other people, but what I understand from this is that the creator is depicting Gays, Transvestites, etc. as bad. Ok, so I know that being homosexual is a sin or something (which is total bullshit, love is love), but I don't think that it should be displayed in this fashion on a children's TV show. Infact, I don't think there should be a character to represent the devil at all on a children's TV show.
I'm christian, but I'm not against other people's beliefs. Hell, even people who worship Satan are seriously just fine. I do not descriminate at all. I know that my God wouldn't descriminate as well. My God is accepting whether you are gay, straight, bisexual, transexual. My God loves people for who they are, not who they're attracted to or who they worship.
Call me a bad christian if you want. I don't care.
But back to the point of this blog: I really do not think that the ultimate evil should be depicted as a crossdresser/homosexual as it is in The Powerpuff Girls.